Abstract—This paper proposes a framework that helps in closing the gap that exists between the mobile learning environment and students’ everyday use of mobile devices. This new framework for Digital Rights Management in systems for mobile learning enhances the ability to define, manage, and share the licensed learning multimedia content among different mobile networks. The major strength of the proposed framework is to position the role of the university in the m-learning value chain as a policy setter, not an implementer. The new framework introduces a new approach that while the university may have a Web portal page for mobile learning material, it should not host or provide the complete delivery service. Instead, the university should let the content providers handle that role. Recognizing the fact that a single licensing authority is not obtainable in the near future, we proposed a new object repository for storing the information needed by a specific university – Digital Mobile Learning Rights Depository (dMLRiD) consisting of two databases, Rights and Data Depository with appropriate standard interfaces. This framework allows for a possibility that multiple University Data Depositories for mobile learning may exist, our proposed framework is flexible enough to allow different implementations.
Index Terms—Digital rights management, mobile learning; XML, multimedia, proof of concept, content provider.
Vladan Nincic was with School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta, Canada. He is now with Telmo Consulting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (e-mail: vnincic@bell.net).
Maiga Chang and Fuhua Lin are with School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta, Canada(e-mail: maigac@athabascau.ca, oscarl@athabascau.ca).
Cite: Vladan Nincic, Maiga Chang, and Fuhua Lin, "DMLRid – An XML-Based Proof-of-Concept Mobile DRM Framework for Sharing Learning Contents among Mobile Networks," International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 180-184, 2013.