Abstract—Food spoilage and subsequent imports can be reduced by modernization of storage and warehousing facilities through industrial automation and remote control systems. A home grown solution to industrial automation that is cost, energy, and resource efficient with standard automation, control and communication features has been developed and presented in this paper. Experimental results reveal the scalability, objectivity, accuracy, stability, economy and ease of deployment of developed system.
Index Terms—Food spoilage, control system and imports
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, COMSAT SInstitute of Information Technology Lahore (e-mail:research.fyp2010@yahoo.com)
Cite: Sulman Farrukh, Muhammad Shahzad, Usman Khan, Talha Chughtai, and Ali Nawaz Khan, "Industrial Automation and Control System to Minimize Food Spoilage and Imports in Pakistan," International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 226-229, 2013.