Abstract— Voting is most pivotal process of democratic society through which people determine it’s government. Governments around the world are increasingly considering the replacement of traditional paper-based voting schemes with electronic voting systems. Elections of Bangladesh are conducted most exclusively using electronic voting machines developed over the past three years. In this paper we describe the design, construction and operation of a digital voting machine using a microcontroller profoundly. Again we also portray counting system of votes, market survey and cost analysis.
Index Terms— Voting system, atmega16l microcontroller, voting analysis, security of EVM.
The authors are with the Department Electrical and Electronic Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh (e-mail: sobuj_kumar_ray@yahoo.com, dipo0001@ntu.edu.sg)
Cite: Diponkar Paul and Sobuj Kumar Ray, " A Preview on Microcontroller Based Electronic Voting Machine," International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 185-190, 2013.