Abstract—Effectiveness of message passing as the means to provide communication in distributed computing motivates the use of such strategy in highly distributed service environments such as grid and cloud computing. Grids and clouds share some important features such as multiplicity of administrative domains and complexity to create applications to be executed over these platforms. In this paper we argue that message domains can provide architectural simplicity to split distributed applications into layers. Interdependence between layers is controlled by visibility policies in each message domain. This architecture allows for the creation of infrastructures of distributed agents in which applications can be modular.
Index Terms—Distributed system, architecture, messageoriented system, component pluggability
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, University of Tokyo, Japan (e-mail: akira@aida.t.utokyo.ac.jp, aida@ee.t.utokyo.ac.jp)
Cite: Aurélio Akira Mello Matsui and Hitoshi Aida, "Message Domains as an Architectural Solution to Complexity in Distributed Message-Oriented Systems," International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 144-148, 2013.